METHODOLOGY REVIEWChoice-Based Conjoints

By learning how buyers value the components of a product, we can better position, design, and improve profitability

Choice-Based Conjoints Outcomes

Realistic Decision Making

Founded on the principle that buyers are making decisions based on multiple attributes at the same t ime.

Pricing Optimizations

Determines the optimal price for the product . Can simulate
scenar ios such as share impact when a compet tor drop price.

New Product Development

Identifies the best combination of features that will maximize share.

Product Optimizations

Measures which features are most important to elevate, reduce, or remove to increase share or sales.

Market Share Estimations

Simulates various market share outcomes based on product and price changes.

Share Cannibalization

Measures cannibalization of products to sales and share. A helpful tool for product portfolios

Conjoint Design

Attributes & Levels

Typical number of attributes & levels: 

  • Attributes: 4 to 8
  • Levelswithin each attribute: 4 to 8 

Can I have more attributes & levels than the typical? 

  • Yes.  It just requires a more complex design and sample plan 

Conjoints attributes and levels

Sample Size

Calculation of sample size depends on the number of… 


Levels within those attributes

Tasks per respondent

Reported groups

Conjoints respondents and tasks


Constraints are combinations of attribute levels that are not realistic trade-offs and therefore we do not want respondents to provide feedbackThe more constraints, the more complex the design.

Other Considerations 

  • Extend the useful life of the research by incorporating possible future scenarios into defining levels.
  • Remember to consider what business what you are trying to optimize (sales, market share, product interest), this will impact the design.
  • Make sure you know how to use your simulator properly once it is delivered to you, incorrect interpretations are just as bad as a properly designed study.