Case Study: Value Proposition


A Fortune 500 financial services client needed to evaluate if their value proposition resonated with their consumers and if their brand image was aligned with consumer needs.  The client’s need to fine-tune their value proposition’s key concepts and imagery was part of a larger initiative to optimize customer interactions.   


This issue called for a comprehensive evaluation across key customer touchpoints, including imagery from their company website and key concepts from their value proposition.   

  • Concepts from the Value Proposition were evaluated using a highlighter exercise that showcased the ‘words that matter’ in each statement.  


  • Website images were evaluated across key attributes such as:  
    • Reaction to website images  
    • Intended emotional response  
    • Valuable 
    • Unique  
    • Interesting 
    • Useful  
    • Tone of voice  
  • An A/B lift analysis was performed to determine how, if at all, the potential value propositions would affect Pfizer’s parent brand. 


  • The ‘words that matter’ exercise revealed that no particular concept won, however one concept did not perform well.  The highlighter exercise made it apparent that if certain phrasing in the concept were adjusted, it has the potential to perform very well.   
    • It was also found that the substantiation line (sentence under the headline) was the make-or-break of the concept, and it will be important to get the tonality of the substantiation correct. 
  • The ‘imagery that matters’ exercise revealed that the graphic that had both search and keyword functionality empowered the consumer, and they were more likely to say that they could navigate the site and that it provided good information that was readily accessible. 
  • All webpages were re-coded to include search and keyword functionality, and concepts were fine-tuned according to research recommendations.