Press Release: Touchpoint Experience Design

CMI Launches New CX Solution: Touchpoint Experience Design

Atlanta, Georgia – CMI announced the launch of their new Customer Experience (CX) solution, Touchpoint Experience Design (T.E.D.), a tool focused on creating alignment between customer experiences and customer expectations.

By understanding what customers desire in addition to how they feel about touchpoint interactions, T.E.D. provides tactical CX guidance directly aimed at improved business results.

T.E.D. differentiates itself from other CX tools in the market through three distinct outcomes:

1. Reducing negative word-of-mouth through needs alignment

2. Reducing the cost to serve through optimization

3. Increasing revenue through personalization

CMI is launching T.E.D. in cooperation with Dr. Jim Heisler, the developer of this pioneering research and consulting methodology. Dr. Heisler comments: “The rise of tools such as customer journey mapping reveals the importance of integrating the customer’s view with business processes. T.E.D. adds critical insight: What are customer’s specific expectations and how do they differ among relevant subgroups?”

Brian Lunde, SVP of Client Solutions at CMI, adds that “While transactional CX measurement is ubiquitous today, accurate knowledge of what customers need in these interactions is often missing. By focusing on these needs, T.E.D. aims directly at CX ROI through the dual levers of cost reduction and increases in customer lifetime value.”